Why Most SEO Efforts Fail, And How To Make Yours Succeed – Part 2

In the first part of this SEO series Zeaun Zarrieff talked about optimizing your keywords and your meta tags for search engine optimization. Now he continues with how to optimize your page elements, and how to obtain backlinks.

Optimizing Page Element Arrangement.

Market research firms, and university studies, have found that most human beings read webpages from the top left. Search engine companies like Google, Yahoo, and MSN (Microsoft) have learned this and have programmed their search engine spiders to read pages in the same way. This ensures that their results are relevant and appealing to the users. You should take advantage of this by placing your strongest keywords in this area. if you have an image at the top-left like many pages do, then you should give the image a name that ties in with your subject. Believe me, an image named “img00944567.jpg” is less relevant to the search engine than “SEOstats.jpg”. A human being may never notice the difference, but the search engine will. ALT tags can be employed to as well, for greater SEO impact. Make sure that your text mentions the keyword right at the beginning, and a couple of times in the first couple of sentences. Try to fit in common synonyms and other related terms if you can without making your work seem cluttered or “stuffed”.

Obtaining Backlinks

This is perhaps the hardest and most expensive part of the process, unless you have a killer fan base and community behind you that will sing your websites praises and link to you at no cost. If you are not a rock-star, a politician, or me (just kidding) then you probably will need to solicit backlinks from one of a few sources.

  • Article Directories
  • Web Directories
  • Forums
  • Blogs
  • News Sites
  • Others

Article Directories and Web Directories abound on the internet. You should have no problem finding these. Some will charge you a fee to publish your article and/or link, while others will do it for free. In most cases you can make do with the free ones, but even with automated submission software (applications that automatically submit your hyperlink or article to online directories) it is a time-consuming process.
There are lots of companies and individuals who will submit your links and articles for you, at a cost. Look around and find one that fits in your budget and let them do the grunt-work. Just make sure they do list with the reputable directories with a midrange to high PR (Page Rank). Some shady submission companies will charge you a fee, and then just submit you to the directories that they already own (sometimes a process that takes mere seconds) which may not even be listed by the search engines, and thus would be of no benefit to you for SEO purposes.

Forums are weighted very heavily by search engines like Google when it comes to backlink quality, but your link from the forum must be formatted properly and seem relevant. This is where “anchor text” comes into play.

“Anchor text” is the visible label that you see on a hyperlink. Let’s do another example.

“I just bought a motorcycle from an online motorcycle dealer that treated me really well. You should check them out.”

In the above example there is a hyperlink that takes you to a site called “Ebay.com”. Now if I was posting a forum/blog entry for SEO purposes, (to make my site seem more important to a search engine) then this example is a perfect and natural-seeming way to link to the site being promoted. In the search engine’s eyes, the site “www.Ebay.com” moves up the ranks for the search term “motorcycle dealer”. Remember that if a web surfer already knows your full website URL (Uniform Resource Locator) then he/she will almost never search for it. They will just type it in and go there directly. So you gain nothing by linking to your site by name, except for name recognition which will come in due course if you promote properly.

If you neglect any part of this SEO tutorial, make sure it is not obtaining backlinks! No other SEO element is more important to the search engines. The more links you have, the more “buzz” the search engine assumes that your site has, and this gives you the biggest boost in rankings possible. If your backlinks are from sites that already have a high PR (Page Rank) you can almost literally ride their coat-tails up into the heights of search engine glory.

News sites probably won’t be reporting on your website unless you are very popular, unless you are very controversial, or unless you issue a very good press release. We’ll go into press releases another time, but for now just remember that if you really want to enter the big-leagues and get backlinks and mentions from major news outlets online, then you will need to tell them you are alive, and press releases are the way to do it.

And that covers most of the common SEO (Search Engine Optimization) methods and how to do them properly. There are other methods, to be sure. Some above board, and others very devious (so-called Black-Hat SEO), but you now have the information required to enter this vast, yet rewarding realm with your eyes open.

Now go forth and use your newfound power for good instead of evil.

Zeaun Zarrieff is a successful Internet Marketer and owner of Buy-SEO-Elite.com, the #1 promoter of the groundbreaking SEO Application “SEO Elite.”

Zeaun thrives in suburban Chicago, IL.

Article Source: Ezine Articles Expert Zeaun_Zarrieff
Why Most SEO Efforts Fail, And How To Make Yours Succeed

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