Before You Launch Your Website…

I love creating a new site. I like setting up the themes, adding new content, starting something fresh and new. All my old blogs suffer when I get the idea for something new. But then, I am in such a hurry to get the new site launched, that I skip some really basic checks.

I just read Smashing Magazine’s “15 Essential Checks Before Launching Your Website”, and it was a good reminder to me of all the really basic items you should check before doing a full launch of your website.

Sure some of the checks are pretty basic, like making sure that all your links work. Checking all your links can be a tedious, but necessary chore. You don’t want to frustrate your readers with links that go to nowhere, or worse, to an offensive site.

Another basic, and often overlooked check is proofreading for spelling and grammar. This one gets me all the time! Even though I have my spell checker on at all times… (there’s that squiggly red line again!) many mistakes still get by. Try reading your text backwards, or having someone else proofread for you.

Be sure to read the comments section on the article. There are more good suggestions there.