Create a Free Blog

Visit the forums and you will find that the debate rages on. Is it better to use a free blog service, or pay for your own domain and hosting? In my opinion the answer is both!

The biggest advantage to having a self hosted blog is that you have the most control over your blog. You can post the ads you want and the content you want.And when you you use a provider such as Hostgator or GoDaddy you can rest assured you will have reliable hosting without too much downtime.

But there are advantages to using a free host. The number one advantage is that it is free! Free blogs are a great way to test the water of blogging. Try it out and get some experience before you actually pay money to blog. Free hosts are also a useful source of backlinks to your regular blogs.

There are some downsides to free hosts. Some will place ads on your sites. Some will not allow you to place your own ads on your site. Read the terms of service carefully and make sure that the host you choose will meet your needs.

Following is a list of free host sites. My favorite, just because it is small and I know the owner is Blogging4Life. My blog there is Katalina Online. Have fun creating your free blogs!


3 WordPress PlugIns to Reward Your Commentators

One of my favorite things, is when I get comments on my blog. Apparently I am not alone! Commentors tell you that someone has actually taken the time to read your post, and leave a comment. It is a good boost to the ego. I think it is also good for your blog to have a dialogue going on. Your readers can add insight and different points of views to your posts, making them more interesting for everyone.

So recently I have decided to do everything I can to reward my commentators. This was easily accomplished by adding three plugins to my wordpress blogs.

One plugin that is very popular, that I really like to see on other blogs, is Comment Luv.
With Comment Luv, when your visitor enters their URL, the plugin finds their last blog post and inserts a link to it at the end of their comment.

What goes along quite nicely with Comment Luv is Keyword Luv Many commentators like to use their keywords in place of their name. But that can make their whole comment look spammy, and it can be awkward to reply to “Make money online with Adsense”. With keyord luv, your commentators are prompted to enter their name as Kat@ Blogging tips for Webmasters. The plugin separates the name from the keywords. So your name will look like Kat from Blogging Tips for Webmasters. Pretty nifty!

And then, to add the icing to the cake, to make Comment Luv and Keyword Luv truly show Luv to your commentators, make your blog no follow free with theNo Follow Free Plugin. By default, most WordPress blogs will add the no follow tag to commentator’s links. No follow free removes those tags, and lets some link juice flow through to your commentators.

Now do know, that when you add these three WordPress plugins to your blog, you will get a certain number of spammers just wanting the free links. You will need to actively moderate your comments and delete the ones that do not add value to your blog. I know that some people may be coming to my blog and commenting just for the do follow link, but I expect them to give me something of value in return, in a well thought out comment that encourages discussion.

To see how all the plug ins work, leave a comment on any post. But make sure it is a good comment, or it will be deleted!

3 Basic Elements of a Successful Website

By Kabir Bedi

Website development is a complex procedure. It is an amalgam of several small processes in coordination with one another that makes up the larger picture. There are millions of websites on the World Wide Web. However, some are more successful than the others and some lag behind likewise. Though the basic steps of website development are the same, what makes the difference is the importance placed on key features.

Here are 3 building blocks or a successful website.

1. Clean and Strong Coding
HTML is the foundation of the web. And following closely is the CSS markup. Both the elements form the basic coding of the website and decide the functionality of the same. HTML and CSS markup form the basic structure of a website and their quality eventually determines the quality of the website.

It is very important to build a website with quality code structure and then repeat the debugging process frequently in order to ensure a strong website. By doing things right from the very beginning and base level, you can negate the possibility of problems later on.

Always validate your HTML and CSS. This ensures that the website performs well across all major browsers and operating systems. HTML validity ensures browser compatibility which further ensures maximum accessibility.

User-Friendly Interface
It is very easy to get carried away and incorporate complex functionalities in your website in order to show off your technological expertise. However, often it happens that the interface becomes so complex that users find it difficult to browse through and navigate easily.

Website interfaces should be kept as simple as can be. Complex features often tend to confuse the visitors and distract their attention. They only add up to the visual appearance and do absolutely nothing to enhance the functionality of the website. Fancy interfaces distract the purpose of the website. Therefore, it is best to build a simple and user-friendly website interface that serves to facilitate smooth performance of the website.

Elements and Features on the Website
The elements and features that you incorporate or include in your web pages can either promote website usability or act as a hindrance to website users. Features like Auto-Play Music should be completely avoided. If at all you need to incorporate music on your website, make sure you provide an option to your visitors to turn it off. Likewise, it is not a good idea to use extremely small font sizes no matter how good it looks. Small fonts decrease the readability of website contents and until users are able to read through the website, they cannot understand what you are trying to communicate.

Focus on creating a website that is clean, has a strong interface and can be easily understood. Instead of including cool features and jazzy site elements, build a website that would please your audiences and make them visit again and again.

Kabir Bedi is working as a senior web consultant at LeXolution IT Services, a professional web design firm India. The company provides a range of website design and development services in addition to a host of web site maintenance services such as Web site updates.

Article Source:
3 Basic Elements of a Successful Website

End Comment Spam


Akismet has protected your site from 14,476 spam comments already, but there’s nothing in your spam queue at the moment.

Don’t you love it when you see the above message. Nothing in your spam queue. No pages of links with descriptions that would make your grandmother blush. No more needing to weed through the spam looking for the errant comment or two that is not spam. I used to have hundreds of spam comments a day. Now I have none.

You see, very little spam is generated by new (or  not so new) webmasters trying to get a free link back to their site. Most of the comment spam I was getting was from automated spam bots. Askimet would send the comments to the spam folder, but I still needed to go through them to catch the errant real comment that had been flagged as spam.  I don’t have a lot of extra time to go through page after page of spam comments, so often I just had to hit the  “delete all spam” button and hope for the best.

WP-SpamFree has changed all that.  It is  a simple plugin for WordPress that is easy to install, easy to use, and doesn’t do anything to annoy my real-life commentors.  No  Captcha, no challenge questions.

Direct from the WP-SapmFree, here is the list of features:


  1. Virtually eliminates automated comment spam from bots. It ensures that your commentors are in fact, human.
  2. A counter on your dashboard to keep track of all the spam it’s blocking. The numbers will show how effective this plugin is.
  3. No CAPTCHA’s, challenge questions or other inconvenience to site visitors – it just works.
  4. No false positives, which leads to fewer frustrated readers, and less work for you.
  5. You won’t have to waste valuable time sifting through your Akismet queue anymore, because there won’t be much there.
  6. Now with Trackback and Pingback spam protection.
  7. Easy to install – truly plug and play. Just upload and activate. (Installation Status on the plugin admin page to let you know if plugin is installed correctly.)
  8. The beauty of this plugin is the methods of blocking spam. It takes a different approach than most and stops spam at the door.
  9. The code is has an extremely low bandwidth overhead and won’t slow down your blog (very light database access), unlike some other anti-spam plugins.
  10. Completely compatible with all cache plugins, including WP Cache and WP Super Cache. Not all anti-spam plugins can say that.
  11. Options to completely disable trackbacks and/or pingbacks if they become an excessive nuisance. While doing so can reduce the connectivity and community feel of the blogosphere, it has been much requested since the glitch in 1.3 that inadvertently blocked trackbacks and pingbacks. Many people actually liked this. So, the choice has been given back to you.

The plugin uses a combination of java script and cookies to weed out automated spam comments.  It works quietly in the background and most of your readers will never know it is there.  For the few that do have java script or cookies turned off on their computer they will be prompted to turn them on to leave a comment.

I have been using this plugin for over a week now and I love it. You see, my grandmother wasn’t the only one blushing at the content of my comment spam!

Finding Content for Your Blog

Knowing that I really needed to get a post up that had nothing to do with my December giveaway, and actually had something to do with blogging, I went searching eZine Articles for something to put up here fast. When you are rushed for time it is an appealing idea, and I have to admit I have done it more than once. It is not hard to tell on my blogs, I follow the rules and leave all the links. Usually it is a simple task. Select an article, cut, paste, done.

It didn’t work that way today. First off, most of the articles on blogging were “How To Get Rich Blogging” articles. I don’t believe many of the authors have actually gotten rich from blogging, so I am not all that interested in whatever affiliate program they are pushing. The rest of the articles were just rehashes of the same old stuff. Anyone who has been blogging for more than a week probably knows to find a niche, write great content, and write often. If they have been blogging for a month they probably have guessed that SEO is important, (even if they don’t know what that is, or if like me, they would rather write for readers than search engines!), pictures make your posts pop (apparently pictures of scantily clad women are best, even if your post is about SEO). Then there is always the self hosted vs free hosting discussion. Go ahead and bash whatever you are not doing.

So, because I have no time, the best thing to do is waste time, I go blog hopping. Entrecard is good for this. I’ll just do a little widget surfing and maybe some blog out there will give me inspiration and help me to write the post that Diggers will Digg, Stumblers will Stumble, and the almighty Google will put in the #1 position of every search. In addition the readers of this remarkable post will click every sponsored link and buy every affiliate product, making me an overnight millionaire.

I know my standards were high and I was asking the impossible. But it is hard to be inspired by a post on “I’m sorry I haven’t been posting”. Or the, “I need original content so I will scrap this post and run it through Google translator a couple times and the resulting gibberish is sure to bring tons of readers and instant wealth” posts. And the inevitable “make money online” posts.

Of course, my favorite posts are the ones on mesotheliomia. Because when someone clicks on an ad for mesotheliomia it pays really well so even if my blog has nothing to do with mesotheliomia I will make sure that I use the word mesotheliomia lots, because using high paying keywords, like mesotheliomia, are the best way to instant riches. (Of course it might help if I knew how to spell mesotheliomia.)

So, my poor readers, still believing that any post is better than no post, I have subjected you to over 500 words of pretty useless ranting. But I know that I read somewhere that between 525 and 550 word posts are the best for SEO, keywords and instant riches, so I’ll just leave it at that!

Generating Traffic Offline

There are a lot of articles and reports about generating site traffic online. On the other hand, I’ve seen only a few that discussed ways to generate traffic offline. So here are some ideas I’ve picked up here and there, and some of my own.

Give away “branded” stuff. Brand things you give away with your site address; t-shirts, caps, pins, stickers, anything. You can sell them, but it’s better to just give them away. The reward you get is much more fulfilling (you get a walking billboard), not to mention socially responsible (you clothe someone).

Harness the power of traditional media. Advertise on newspapers, on television, or on-air radio. Certainly it isn’t cheap, but well worth the money. Then again you can always try to do what people from my part of the world do when they want some press attention for free. Climb up on top of a really high place and make as if you’re about to jump (don’t do this at home kids). That’ll get you some looks from the media. Just don’t forget to wear your site-branded shirt.

Get the word out. Word-of-mouth promotion is free. Use it! Tell your family and friends that you have a new site or blog. Better yet, tell everyone. This is easy. Go to social events (parties, etc.) and try to subtly include your site in every conversation you make. This may offend some people’s sense of propriety, but it beats the alternative: telling complete strangers to visit your site as you pass them on the street.

Sponsor Events. Offer to contribute something to a community affair in return for a plug. You can do this with dances, league games, and other celebrations/programs. Or create an event of your own; a contest, for example. A word to the wise: beware the snowball effect. One must always be prepared (financially) for everything that can happen when conducting a contest-else he may find himself running from an avalanche of winners because he didn’t expect such enthusiastic participation and didn’t prepare enough prizes.

Involve others. Look for other webmasters who promote their sites offline. This way you can try the more outrageous promotion methods (these methods warrant a separate article) with safety in numbers. Also, try to make tie-ups with small businesses using a “You-promote-me-I-promote-you” approach. One that is related to your site’s niche is best. You wouldn’t want your “All about dogs” site to be promoted by an adult specialties shop, and vice versa, would you? Not only is it illogical, it’s also a bit of not downright disturbing.

So there. Good Luck!

25 Free SEO Tips to Help you Gain Visibility in Search Rankings

By John Alexander

If you are not currently getting the Free SEO Tip of the Day, then you can sign up for it right here. Today, I wanted to share just 25 tips in this article that I hope you will enjoy. If you enjoy learning SEO and reading these tips, then why not consider registering for our Free tip of the day?

Now on with 25 tips to help you gain top visibility in the search rankings:

Tip 1. Enjoy better rankings by writing higher quality content.

Did you know Google is literally rewarding well-written content the benefit of “true relevancy.” All I mean to say here, is that just by becoming a better “writer” and creating higher quality content, you can benefit from certain elements that are at work behind the scenes. Strive to write better content for your visitors and it will work for you not against you.

Tip 2. How well “focused” is your content for each page you are working on?

If you try to keep very focused on one topic per page, you will do much better than having multiple topics on the same page. If your page is specifically about the “benefits of using nostalgia” as a topical reference, are you actually using the keyword phrase for example “using nostalgia” within your readable HTML text? So many times, new students of SEO forget about the importance of focus.

Tip 3. Where is the best place to get started?

One of the best places to get started is by researching your target audience’s search behavior. Ultimately, you want to target the exact phrases that your ideal buying audience is using when they search. Watch this short video demo on keyword research using Wordtracker for some tips.

Tip 4. Once you have got your keyword research done, you need to get started right away.

Some people are so completely overwhelmed that they put off actually getting started on their Web site for far too long.

Walt Disney put it simply like this:
“The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing.”
Walter Disney

Of course he was not speaking about SEO but the principle still applies. Why not make a list of strategies that you like to apply on your Web site, but then take one single item and work on it immediately, until it gets done. Sometimes even the simplest of changes have significant impact and I always feel badly when I see anyone taking to long to “get started.”

Tip 5. Have you heard that “link building” is important?

Perhaps you’ve heard that link popularity and link reputation is important. It is important, but don’t become so obsessed with linking that you build your entire strategy only “just around link building.” You want to use all of the basic principles to carry your Web site through and you may want to do some linking based on the look of the “competitive landscape” for your keyword phrase.

You also want to build links based on what “makes sense” for your visitors.

Some search engines like Google give more weight to elements like link reputation which is an “off-page” influence while other search engines like Yahoo will give more weight to “on-page” influences such as your keyword phrase usage and how it is used on the page.

Tip 6. Have you read Google’s Webmaster guidelines?

It is good to check it from time to time as things do get updated and are subject to change.

Tip 7. What is important to Yahoo?

What does Yahoo! say it wants in a Web page?

  • Original and unique content of genuine value
  • Pages designed primarily for humans, with search engine considerations secondary
  • Hyperlinks intended to help people find interesting, related content, when applicable
  • Metadata (including title and description) that accurately describes the contents of a web page
  • Good web design in generalWhat 14 things does Yahoo! say it does “NOT” want in a Web page?Find out all of their guidelines here:

Tip 8. What about researching important keyword phrases in other languages?

Are you wanting to perform keyword research in other languages?

What if you are trying to find keyword research suggestions for other languages such as Spanish or French or German? Now you can research keywords in several other languages including French, Dutch, German, Italian, Polish, Portuguese, Swedish and Spanish at Keyword Discovery. Check out Keyword Discovery by clicking here.

Tip 9. For effective search engine marketing, you need more than just top rankings.

Remember to include strong calls to action to compel a response from the reader.

What do you want the reader to do once they finish reading your content? You need to clearly build these options into each page and leave nothing to guess work. Describe what action you would like them to take and never assume that they will just know what to do, because they won’t act unless you spell it out.

Tip 10. SEO and Cascading Style Sheets.

An understanding of CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) can help you with a number of SEO work-arounds to meet challenges with complicated design issues. W3Schools provides an excellent CSS tutorial free of charge, complete with a lot of examples and quizzes.

Tip 11. Don’t ever limit the search engines to only just one way of finding your pages.

Put links to new pages on your site map. Make sure you link to your site map from every page of your Web site.

If there’s a corresponding page on your site that you can use to link to the new page, do so. Mention the new page on your blog. Do you have a directory associated with the particular topic dealing with the content of this new page? Add a link on that page. Just make sure that you give the search engines multiple ways to find all of your important pages

Tip 12. How compelling are your Meta descriptions?

  • Are you remembering to use your important keyword phrase in the description?
  • Are you taking time to write unique descriptions for each of your pages?
  • How about a call to action?
  • Are you remembering to include good calls to action in your description?

Tip 13. Have you tried Fagan Finder?

This Web site has over 100 tools that you can use to dig for information on a URL. There are more nooks and crannies to this site than you can possibly imagine.

Tip 14. Do not obsess over Google Page Rank.

Did you know that a page with a high PageRank can be out ranked in the SERPs by a page with a lower PageRank? Remember that PageRank isn’t the “end all” in SEO. It’s only one piece of the pie.

Tip 15. Don’t use your keyword phrase in ALT text.

None of the search engines consider ALT text when determining relevancy. ALT text should be used only to describe images. Putting keywords in the the Alt tag to try and influence even a marginal advantage is a waste of time. Don’t do it. Use every tag for the purpose in which is was specifically designed to be used by the W3C.

Tip 16. Create content that serves your customer’s needs FIRST and your own needs second.

Far too often, our focus is so narrowly limited to just our own objectives for a Web page. One powerful tip is to first research the specific needs of your customer (within a niche) and then deliver up high value, based on your research and give the searcher EXACTLY whatever it is that THEY want, first.

Think about it – try it out and see what happens when you meet the client’s interest first, before introducing your own objective.

Tip 17. Are you using your researched primary keyword phrase prominently in your Title Tag?

The Title Tag of your Web page is still extremely influential for relevancy in most search engines. Try using your researched phrase once, up front in your Title and remember the value of creating a compelling Title that engages the reader. Avoid stuffing your Title full of keywords and instead create a compelling Title that reads well and accents a benefit.

Tip 18. Remember that most major search engines no longer look at the your Meta keyword tag when determining relevancy.

Use moderation and be careful not to over-use any single word multiple times in your keyword Meta tag.
Try and use approximately a half dozen words that are actually being used within the Web page content.

Tip 19. Do not use the same Title tags, Meta Keyword Tags and Description Tag on every page of your Web site.

Keep your Title, Keywords and Description all specific to the individual page you are working on, unless you want to get falsely flagged for duplicate content penalties.

Tip 20. Remember to use alternative synonyms sometimes instead of over using keywords.

Your Thesaurus can be your best friend or else watch this video on how you can choose semantically related keywords with the help of Wordtracker’s Full Search tool.

Tip 21. Check out Robin Nobles list of 148 muscle words you can use on your Web site

Here is Robin’s list of muscle or power words you can print out or save to your hard drive, words you can use on your site in your title and description tags along with your keyword phrase, and in your heading tags and your content.

Tip 22. Create content that deserves to be found within the top ranks.

One of the single most important aspects to managing your time well, is to stay focused on creating high value, original content that is useful and engaging to your visitors. What kind of content should your Web site contain?

  • Create content that is truly relevant (and honestly deserves to be found at the top.)

  • Create content that serves your customer’s needs FIRST and your own needs second.

  • Create content that will meet your visitor’s exact search query and satisfy it.

  • Create content your visitor will be GLAD that they found – something of true merit.

  • Create content that is based on real “behaviorally based research” rather than guessing at keywords.

  • Create content that is written for your specific visitor so that it flows smoothly and reads well to them.

  • Create content that is original and you can feel proud to have created.

  • Create content that has a solid, well written “call to action.”

  • Create content that is based on what a “search engine understands” through artificial intelligence (AI.)

Tip 23. Pay attention to keyword usage in page names. Use hyphens not underscores.

Be sure when naming pages after your full keyword phrase, that you connect
the words together using a hyphen (-) rather than an underscore (_)

Example: A search engine will understand: antique-clocks.html
but will not understand both words if you use: antique_clocks.html

How much advantage does this tip give you? Only marginal. But sometimes there is only marginal difference between ranking number 10 or ranking number 1.

Tip 24. Don’t forget to use optimization with your press releases.

Have you thought about optimizing some news about your business this week? You can put your news story out in front of thousands of publishers and editors through the PRweb service.

But the question is – what will your unique story angle be?

There are so many times we get so wrapped up in what our competitor is doing, we seem to forget the power and impact of taking a reverse or opposite approach.

Learn how to tell your story from a different and more interesting perspective than everyone else and your stories. Catch your audience by surprise with some genuine news and make your news story stand out in the eyes of publishers. Surprise your audience with a different approach and watch the impact it can have on your Web site. Its only news, but people love fresh ideas or a story told from an alternate approach.

Tip 25. Are you trying to increase the frequency of robot visits to your Web site?

Are you aware of the value of fresh, original content added to your Web site on a consistent basis? Of course you are. Does it real improve the findability of your Web site? You bet it does and it increases the frequency of the Spider visits too.

But how can you create truly “fresh” and “original” content?

There is one place you can pick up daily tips and fresh ideas about content creation. It all starts with just one simple “idea.” When was the last time you visited Robin Nobles “IDEA MOTIVATOR” Blog?

The next step up in building genuine SEO skills is to consider one of the following options.

1. Would you like a Free SEO Tip of the Day?
Get a free tip every single day by signing up here. We have hundreds of short concise, easy-to-read little tips, truths and facts that you can receive on a daily basis in your e-mail. If you no longer wish to receive the tips, you can unsubscribe any time you wish. Some tips are short and powerful. Some are a little lengthier to read, but they range from basic topics to advanced topics and best of all, they are all free SEO tips.

2. Attend a live Search Engine Academy
Attend a 2-day, 3-day and 5-Day Workshops located in a community near you.

3. Join Robin Nobles and John Alexander at one of the SEO Mastery Workshops.
Check out our new agenda of Workshop topics.

4. Check out the SEO Online study courses where you can begin learning online.

About John Alexander
John Alexander is Co-director of Training at Search Engine Workshops offering live, SEO Workshops with his partner SEO educator Robin Nobles, author of the very first comprehensive online search engine marketing courses. John is author of an e-book called Wordtracker Magic and has taught SEO skills to people from 87 different countries world wide. John’s articles can be read in publications like REALTOR Magazine, Search Engine Guide, WEBpro News and many

The No-No’s of SEO

Search Engine Optimization can be a daunting task; hence many bloggers succumb easily to the temptations of the ‘blackhat.’ Blackhat techniques violate the rules of SEO and provide bloggers who use it with unfair advantage over others.

On the other hand, most start-up bloggers do not know about SEO and they become innocent victims of Blackhat techniques. They are taught to use them not knowing that these SEO techniques are wrong.

Here are some Blackhat techniques to avoid:

Keyword Stuffing. This is when the webmaster fills the site with hundreds or even thousands of keywords. One of the oldest Blackhat techniques, keyword stuffing is different from optimization in that it involves keywords that are repeated in an irrelevant and illogical way.

These keywords are hidden by color blending (where the background color and text color are the same so humans can’t see it but search engines can), or by putting keywords in meta tags / script tags, or even by placing the keywords outside the visible screen area via cascading stlye sheets (CSS).

Link Farms. These are websites created only for the purpose of accommodating unrelated links. Avoid link farms because you can get penalized and banned for using them. Make it a point to know where links to your sites are coming from.

Auto Generated Pages. These pages consist of content automatically derived from other sites. No part of the page is original since it contains snippets of content taken from other sites.

Gateway Pages. These pages are usually invisible to the user and are designed for only the search engines to see. These use redirect scripts that leads site visitors to another site automatically.

On the other hand, some landing pages are acceptable. Landing pages that contain relevant information where the reader is not tricked to click or go to another site is fine.

Don’t try using these because you’ll get caught eventually. Work smart and work clean.

How Not To Lose (Too Many) Visitors When You Move Your Site – Part 3

In this final installment, let’s see a few more things that you can do in order to redirect your current audience to a new site address. All of them are related to your site strategy — you have one, right? If you don’t, it’s time to think about it.

Strategic decisions to prevent loss of visitors

1. Use a paid domain. Unlike webhosting, that would be a yearly expense. So, the impact on your budget would be minimal. Besides, many free webhosts allow the use of paid domains. Therefore, register one right from the start if you’re still going to build your website and you prefer to initially have it hosted for free. If your site is already up and running, buy a domain for it as soon as possible and then just announce the new official address. If you’re about to move your site but still haven’t bought a domain, see if you can delay the move for one or two months. Purchase the domain, announce it and give your visitors some time to bookmark it and get used to it while they gradually forget the old free address. Then you’ll be able to move safely.

In any case, keep in mind that you’ll never go wrong when you register your own domain. This is the very best thing you can do to make sure that you won’t lose any visitors, no matter how many times you move your site or blog.

2. Contact your most faithful visitors. If you’re the type who mostly ignores visitors’ emails and comments, I urge you to change your behaviour — unless you don’t want to succeed as a webmaster. Remember that word of muth still works. So, when you move your blog or site, take the time to contact your most loyal visitors, tell them about the new URL and politely ask them to help you spread the word about it. Don’t forget to offer to return the favour when they need; it’s only fair.

3. Don’t close the old site. I entered the meta-blogging universe via So, yes, my blog was hosted for free — and still is. Although nowadays I use paid webhosting and domains, I’ve never closed that old blog. I rarely update it, but it’s still there, with all its content, subscribers and backlinks. I knew I could move its content to any of my privately hosted blogs, but I chose to continue from where I were at, instead of starting everything again. When I released my new blogging projects, I used that blog to promote them. And whenever I start a new web project, I do the same. Due to this positive experience, it’s obvious that I recommend you do it too.

Of course it won’t always be possible. If your free webhost closes its doors, or if it changes its rules and you can’t comply to the new policies, you won’t be able to follow my suggestion. But if that’s not the case, I advise you to leverage your current site instead of simply killing it in favour of a newer one.

A final piece of advice: don’t feel miserable if you lose part of your audience after switching to another host. Everyone is subject to it. Moreover, the time wasted in whining would be much better spent in promotion and rebuilding.

Now it’s your turn: tell us if you ever had to move a blog or site to a new webhost and what you’ve done to redirect your visitors to the new URL. The comment form is there for you.

You can also subscribe to our blog to make sure that you’ll never miss our future tip series.

Karen Zara has been involved in Internet-based projects since 2002. One of them is Abaminds, a blog for content producers that you can visit by clicking here.

The Alternatives to Adsense

So, you came back to see what alternative you had to using Adsense. If you have no idea what I am talking about, make sure you check out the other post about distancing yourself from Adsense. The amount of money that you are missing out on because of Adsense is so great that you might actually spend a day or two beating yourself up for not learning this sooner.

The only downfall to the things I am going to suggest to you is that you need some traffic. Adsense is great because even if you only have five people a day coming to your blog, if one of those clicks, it’s money in the bank. That’s nice. However, you need to understand that having some higher traffic is very important for these next tips to work. Sure, you might be able to make some money without the higher amount of traffic, but I really think that if you have more traffic, you’ll really love the results that you see.

Here we go:

  • Sign Up for Kontera: Many people don’t know what Kontera is; however, it is one of the things that I am a firm believer in. However, I have found that it is not that great unless your traffic is high. The ads go into the actual text and if one of the words you used is one that was bid on by an advertiser, it turns into an ad that if someone clicks on, you get money.
  • Sign Up for OIO Publisher: OIO Publisher is a market place for you to sell private advertising. You can sell 125×125 ads and text links (both of which I endorse) and they don’t take any of the profit. By selling those, you are getting private advertisers. Those are going to be the bulk of your earning.
  • If you are against using OIO Publisher, you can set up a couple of slots on your blog for 125×125 ads and text links and try to sell them yourself. Go to webmaster forums and make an ad saying you’re selling the ads for inexpensive prices. First start low and then increase.
  • Find whatever products you can that relates to the niche of your site and set up a place for those ads. I am a firm believer that CPA is a great way to make money and it can definitely increase your earnings.
  • Do reviews. Although I have only ever seen them done on blogs that are “Make Money Online” blogs, I think that any blog can do them if the niche is correct. The amount you can charge for this all depends on your traffic. Some get away with charging $400 PER review. That’s a nice chunk of change, huh?

Look, I could keep going and continue to say what other ways there are for you to make money. However, more importantly, you knowing the fact that you have to get in your head that there are alternatives to Adsense. There are ways other ways to make money. Adsense is one of them, but I hope you understand that it is not the only way or the best way.

Now, to appease those that are addicted to Adsense, take this final word. Adsense is a great supplemental income. What I mean is that if you use it along with many of the other forms of making money as mentioned above, you could really increase your earnings tremendously. Five hundred dollars is still five hundred dollars; however, you want to have more than one revenue stream bringing in that $500. If you do, you’ll really be a happy camper.

Jacob is an avid guitar player as well as a biology major in college with hopes of becoming a professor. When not blogging on The Webmaster Blog, he is over at his political opinion blog.