Anyone Up For A Challenge?

Recently I have been writing a few hubs(posts) on Hubpages. Hubpages is a site where you can write about just about anything, and they share the page impressions with you. So when someone looks at my hub on getting rid of credit card debt, 60% of the time my adsense ads are showing and 40% of the time the hubpages ads are showing. My clicks go into my account and I don’t have to trust HubPages to pay me. Having recently been burned by another get paid to blog site, I really like the way HubPages pays.

So here is the challenge, Can you write 100 hubs in 30 days? And if you did, what would your income be?
You can join the challenge over at HubPages, but I would like to make it even more fun. Sign up for a HubPages account using this link.
Then join the challenge and start writing hubs. Leave a comment here with a link to your new HubPages profile. Anyone who signs up under my referral link and writes 100 hubs before June 17, 2009 will receive $5 via PayPal! That will be in addition to any Adsense, Amazon, and eBay affiliate earnings you get from your hubs. (That will go direct into your affiliate account.)
If no one writes 100 hubs before June 17, 2009, then I will give one $5 prize to the person who writes at least 25 hubs and has the highest number of hubs written.

Now I have to get busy. The challenge officially starts on Monday and I need to have a few hubs ready to go!

Im in, are you?
I'm in, are you?