Anyone Up For A Challenge?

Recently I have been writing a few hubs(posts) on Hubpages. Hubpages is a site where you can write about just about anything, and they share the page impressions with you. So when someone looks at my hub on getting rid of credit card debt, 60% of the time my adsense ads are showing and 40% of the time the hubpages ads are showing. My clicks go into my account and I don’t have to trust HubPages to pay me. Having recently been burned by another get paid to blog site, I really like the way HubPages pays.

So here is the challenge, Can you write 100 hubs in 30 days? And if you did, what would your income be?
You can join the challenge over at HubPages, but I would like to make it even more fun. Sign up for a HubPages account using this link.
Then join the challenge and start writing hubs. Leave a comment here with a link to your new HubPages profile. Anyone who signs up under my referral link and writes 100 hubs before June 17, 2009 will receive $5 via PayPal! That will be in addition to any Adsense, Amazon, and eBay affiliate earnings you get from your hubs. (That will go direct into your affiliate account.)
If no one writes 100 hubs before June 17, 2009, then I will give one $5 prize to the person who writes at least 25 hubs and has the highest number of hubs written.

Now I have to get busy. The challenge officially starts on Monday and I need to have a few hubs ready to go!

Im in, are you?
I'm in, are you?

25 Replies to “Anyone Up For A Challenge?”

  1. I have not tried Hub pages yet and it seems like a very difficult challenge.
    It is a good place to start.Hubpage is pretty good place to generate traffic for website.Thanks

  2. When I do a Google search I notice a lot more Squidoo lenses coming up then Hubpages. If it were me I’d focus on Squidoo, but having never used either I can’t say for sure.

  3. Hubpage is pretty good place to generate traffic for website and most important is content you post there should be unique and url can be posted in the content and the link is nofollow but in case wit squidoo we can have a dofollow link.

  4. Since you mentioned about Squidoo, I heard Squidoo pay us if our lens are ranked so high. I’m not sure about it. Have you ever tried creating Squidoo lens?

  5. i really like the challenge 🙂 found it a bit late so it’d be a 28 day challenge but keen :p just found hubpages so would be good way to get into it. watch out, may just be claiming that $5 prize!!

    also, would really like to work out how you have wordpress display related posts… is it a plugin because all the plugins i’ve found have been useless.


    Alex – Unleash Realitys last blog post..How to Focus: Get Things Done and Be Free

  6. I have not tried Hub pages yet and it seems like a very difficult challenge. I tried something similar on Associated Content last month and they reject about half of my article, it was not worth my time. I prefer to stick to writing content for my own blogs and guest post on other blogs. It may take a little longer but I would rather get 100% of adsense revenue.

    Tycoon Bloggers last blog post..Do Follow, CommentLuv and now KeywordLuv

  7. Yes, the concept behind Hubpages is good and you get a lot of feedback from other users, but I’ve written quite a few pages there and the revenue isn’t quite as good as with other sites I write for, like, where you have one-on-one editors giving you all sorts of tips on how to write for the Web.

    Still, hubpages, helium and ezinearticles are all good places to start if you’re serious about writing for the Web.

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