Free Domain Names: Give Them to Your Visitors and Reap the Rewards – Part 1

Kat’s recent domain give away made me realize the potential hidden in this kind of offer.

After some brainstorming, I came up with a set of tips to help you use domain names as gifts for both your visitors and yourself.

Why would I want to give domain names away?

Your domains cost you money. Your hard earned money. Why wouldn’t you save them for yourself?

Of course you’re entitled—and encouraged—to invest some money in the purchase of domains for your own use. But make no mistake: when you offer domain names as gifts to your readers, they won’t be the only benefited ones. You’ll reap rewards too:

– Traffic (people must visit your site to learn about your offer).

– Increased site activity (depending on what you ask interested visitors to do).

– A good reputation (you’ll be seen as a nice guy/gal).

Remember that site activity and a good reputation lead to more traffic. The 3 items together can help you make more money.

Why would my visitors be interested in getting free domain names?

Domains are very affordable these days. Your visitors wouldn’t be interested in your domain name give away because they can buy URLs for themselves, right?


A minute ago you objected to offering for free the domain names that had cost you (little) money. But if you could grab some free domains for your own use, you’d be very happy, wouldn’t you? Now why would your visitors be any different? Everyone likes freebies, especially when such freebies can help them make more money, as is the case with domains.

You may have guessed that domain name give aways don’t necessarily appeal to all types of audience. In the next installment, I’ll tell you one or two things about adapting free domain offers to various niches. Stay tuned and subscribe to The WebMaster Blog!

I’m Giving Away a Domain

The domain is and it is almost 1 year old. It is expiring in just a couple days, so it will need to be renewed right away. Free push to your GoDaddy account. If you want the domain, leave a comment on this post.  Best comment in the next 24 hours or so will win the domain!
