Your Article Resource Box – The Secret to Getting the Most Traffic From Each and Every Article

I don’t usually use Ezine Articles for this blog. However, this post on Article Marketing was actually too good not to share.

By Jeff Herring

Article Marketing is the number one source of free traffic on the Internet if you get your Resource Box right. Get this one wrong and you have wasted all your time. Get this one right and you have got it made!

What a Resource Box really is

Call it a Resource Box, Author Bio, etc., what it really is is your opportunity to create a compelling call to action for your reader. Even though it is called an Author Bio, it is not the time for you to tell the reader all about you and convince them you are an expert. In fact, if you have not demonstrated that you are an expert in your article, it is way to late too try to do it now.

Even though it is an official Call to Action, I like to teach my students and members to use what I call “invitational language” in their Resource Box. Invitational language can be something as simple as “and now I would like to invite you to…” and then name the next action you would like them to take. This is as opposed to something like “get this great new product now and all your problems will be solved by morning and if you don’t you will be broke forever!”

Sure I’ve exaggerated a bit, but not by much.

Here’s how to do it

You want the Resource Box to flow right out of your article, since it is the next paragraph in the article. Starting off with “Jim Smith is blah blah blah” is like announcing to the reader that the article is over and they can stop reading now. Not the result you want at all, right?

Instead you can start off with a nice transitional phrase beginning with the word “and.” For example, “And now I would like to…” or “And now you can…” is a great way to begin.

Then, back to my notion of invitational language, you simply invite the reader to take the next action you want them to take. For example, you can say “And now you can claim your free instant access to…” whatever it is you are going to offer them. The invitational language brings them in instead of chasing them off.

Then and only then do I ever mention my name, and then only so that the good information they are about to get is linked in their mind to my name and brand.

Here is a complete example:

And now I would like to invite you to claim your FREE Instant Access to 2 of my Instant Article Creation Templates when you visit

Click here to get two “plug-n-play” article templates – just plug in your info! And you will also get a 30 minute Audio Replay of a teleseminar about writing more articles in less time than you ever thought possible.

From Jeff Herring – The Article Marketing Guy and The Great Article Marketing Network.

Article Source:—The-Secret-to-Getting-the-Most-Traffic-From-Each-and-Every-Article&id=3624961

Create a Free Blog

Visit the forums and you will find that the debate rages on. Is it better to use a free blog service, or pay for your own domain and hosting? In my opinion the answer is both!

The biggest advantage to having a self hosted blog is that you have the most control over your blog. You can post the ads you want and the content you want.And when you you use a provider such as Hostgator or GoDaddy you can rest assured you will have reliable hosting without too much downtime.

But there are advantages to using a free host. The number one advantage is that it is free! Free blogs are a great way to test the water of blogging. Try it out and get some experience before you actually pay money to blog. Free hosts are also a useful source of backlinks to your regular blogs.

There are some downsides to free hosts. Some will place ads on your sites. Some will not allow you to place your own ads on your site. Read the terms of service carefully and make sure that the host you choose will meet your needs.

Following is a list of free host sites. My favorite, just because it is small and I know the owner is Blogging4Life. My blog there is Katalina Online. Have fun creating your free blogs!


Before You Launch Your Website…

I love creating a new site. I like setting up the themes, adding new content, starting something fresh and new. All my old blogs suffer when I get the idea for something new. But then, I am in such a hurry to get the new site launched, that I skip some really basic checks.

I just read Smashing Magazine’s “15 Essential Checks Before Launching Your Website”, and it was a good reminder to me of all the really basic items you should check before doing a full launch of your website.

Sure some of the checks are pretty basic, like making sure that all your links work. Checking all your links can be a tedious, but necessary chore. You don’t want to frustrate your readers with links that go to nowhere, or worse, to an offensive site.

Another basic, and often overlooked check is proofreading for spelling and grammar. This one gets me all the time! Even though I have my spell checker on at all times… (there’s that squiggly red line again!) many mistakes still get by. Try reading your text backwards, or having someone else proofread for you.

Be sure to read the comments section on the article. There are more good suggestions there.

The Cease and Desist Letter Saga

UNSPECIFIED - OCTOBER 10:  In this photo illus...
Image by Getty Images via Daylife

Well, it is over. My best performing domain has been taken from me due to trademark issues.
Just a recap if you don’t feel like reading my first post on receiving a cease and desist letter.

Last summer, my finance website started to take off. I was showing up on the first 3 pages of Google search, and the income was going up along with the page views.

Then the letter came. Apparently, two of the words in my domain were trademarked, and the attorney wanted me to hand over the domain.

I argued, I fought, I asked for concessions, but in the end I handed the domain over. In return, I got nothing.

I might have been able to fight it, but I felt my chances for success were low, and I didn’t want to spend the time or the money. In the end, I moved my blog to a better domain, Money, Debt and Taxes, and now I will just do what I did before to bring it up in the search rankings and build the traffic.

As a result of this I am now much more careful in choosing my domains. I am looking to see if there is any chance that they might be trademarked. I don’t want to lose that much hard work ever again!

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Twitter Follow Me Badge

I know I am a little late to the party, but I have finally joined Twitter. I do think it will be a good way to promote my blogs. So of course the very first thing I wanted to get was a “follow me” badge for my blogs.
If you look over there on the right hand side of the blog I found a great one.
It is from GOTOWEB20 and it is a simple script that is very easy to customize. It took me all of two minutes to set up the badge and install it on my blog.

Now do me a favor and click that button so you can follow me on twitter, and then go to gotoweb20 and get your own!

Update: In the comments Brian pointed out you can code the button yourself without going to an outside source. You can get the code here at the BlogEngage Forum.

Prevent Repetitive Strain Injury, 3 Simple Techniques to Avoid Pain

I spend many hours every day on the computer. Offline I am a tax adviser so during the months of January to April I might spend 12 or more hours every day on the computer. And without fail by mid February I would have some form of RSI, Repetitive Strain Injury.

Repetitive Strain Injury

RSI refers to arm and hand pain that can occur when you perform the same motion over and over again. It is common in the computer world. For me, I would often get pain and weakness in my right forearm. I have been diagnosed with Tendinitis and Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. I was prescribed wrist braces and pain relievers. But nothing seemed to really work. Surgery could not promise a cure, because the real problem was the amount of time I spent on the computer. It seemed like my only options were to live with the pain, or go on disability. I didn’t like either of those options.

Before I go on, I want to stress that I am not expert in Repetitive Strain Injury. I am just sharing with you what worked for me. Everyone’s situation is different and you should consult with your own professional advisers regarding your particular situation.

Avoid Using Braces or Splints

Short term these are OK, but if you use braces or wrist splints for an extended period of time the muscles in your wrist will weaken. With weak muscles you will not be able to support your wrists properly without the splints, and you run the chance of re-injuring yourself. Limit splint use to one or two weeks at most, and when you are not on the computer, do strength exercises that target the hands, wrist and arms.

Always use proper wrist position

Notice the wrists are straight and not resting on any supports.
Notice the wrists are straight and are not resting on any supports.

The funny thing here is that many devices that are designed to help prevent repetitive strain injury can actually make it worse. It is very important that you keep your wrists straight and in a neutral position. Using a wrist rest can put the wrists in a bent up position that can make repetitive strain injuries worse.

Put Your Hands in Your Lap!

This is actually the technique that made the most difference for me. When we spend long hours on the computer there are many times when our hands are not being used. It might be for less than a minute, but you may have your hand on your mouse waiting for a page to load, you may be thinking about what you are going to write next, or you may be watching a video. No matter how short a time, take your hands away from the keyboard, away from the mouse, and put them in your lap. By doing so you give your neck, shoulders, arms, wrists and hands several “mini breaks” during the day. All those little mini breaks add up and I found that even after a long 12 hour day I was still pain free.

As bloggers and webmasters we can spend many hours per day in front of the computer. By following these few simple techniques, you can drastically minimize your chances of getting a repetitive strain injury. So now tell me, while you have been reading this post, where have your hands been?

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A Cease and Desist Letter Came In The Mail- What Should I Do?

I knew it was bound to happen sooner or later. I never intended to infringe on anyone’s trademark. I am not sure that I have. But just last week I received a letter demanding that I stop using a domain that I own, (not this one) because the first five letters of my 12 letter domain name are trademarked.

The company is not a large company that anyone would have known about, the characters they claim as theirs alone are a common word and a common acronym. Most people would assume they are in the public domain, much the same as I am assuming that “Webmaster” and “Blog” are in the public domain. (If not I am going to get them trademarked as soon as I finish writing this.)

It just so happens that this is one of my most successful domains, and not because of the 5 trademarked characters. In fact, I had recently changed the name of the blog for better SEO. The blog name contains none of the trademarked characters, it is just the domain.

If I had the money to hire a lawyer I might have a decent chance of defending my claim to the domain. I mean seriously, 5 letters our of 12? The company claims that their customers have been confused and have thought that my blog is related to the company. I find that hard to believe.

Searching the internet I have found that generally there are two things you should do when you receive a cease and desist letter. The first is to take it seriously, the second is to hire an attorney.

But the reality is, I have no money to fight this. I will try and appeal to the company’s sense of fairness. Maybe I can receive some small compensation for the loss of income and hard work. But I doubt it. Because I lack the resources to defend my rights, they will be trampled.

I bring this up here, not because I am asking for money, but because I think there is a problem with the system, and I am not sure how it can be fixed. It does not seem right to me, that just because someone else is bigger and has more money than me, they can take what is mine and there is nothing I can do about it. I know this has happened to many people in much bigger ways. It is not like I am losing a major source of income, or my life’s work. Just my very first domain that made a little money from adsense and other ad sales.

So bloggers everywhere beware. And if you have any ideas about what can be done please let me know in the comments.

Anyone Up For A Challenge?

Recently I have been writing a few hubs(posts) on Hubpages. Hubpages is a site where you can write about just about anything, and they share the page impressions with you. So when someone looks at my hub on getting rid of credit card debt, 60% of the time my adsense ads are showing and 40% of the time the hubpages ads are showing. My clicks go into my account and I don’t have to trust HubPages to pay me. Having recently been burned by another get paid to blog site, I really like the way HubPages pays.

So here is the challenge, Can you write 100 hubs in 30 days? And if you did, what would your income be?
You can join the challenge over at HubPages, but I would like to make it even more fun. Sign up for a HubPages account using this link.
Then join the challenge and start writing hubs. Leave a comment here with a link to your new HubPages profile. Anyone who signs up under my referral link and writes 100 hubs before June 17, 2009 will receive $5 via PayPal! That will be in addition to any Adsense, Amazon, and eBay affiliate earnings you get from your hubs. (That will go direct into your affiliate account.)
If no one writes 100 hubs before June 17, 2009, then I will give one $5 prize to the person who writes at least 25 hubs and has the highest number of hubs written.

Now I have to get busy. The challenge officially starts on Monday and I need to have a few hubs ready to go!

Im in, are you?
I'm in, are you?

3 WordPress PlugIns to Reward Your Commentators

One of my favorite things, is when I get comments on my blog. Apparently I am not alone! Commentors tell you that someone has actually taken the time to read your post, and leave a comment. It is a good boost to the ego. I think it is also good for your blog to have a dialogue going on. Your readers can add insight and different points of views to your posts, making them more interesting for everyone.

So recently I have decided to do everything I can to reward my commentators. This was easily accomplished by adding three plugins to my wordpress blogs.

One plugin that is very popular, that I really like to see on other blogs, is Comment Luv.
With Comment Luv, when your visitor enters their URL, the plugin finds their last blog post and inserts a link to it at the end of their comment.

What goes along quite nicely with Comment Luv is Keyword Luv Many commentators like to use their keywords in place of their name. But that can make their whole comment look spammy, and it can be awkward to reply to “Make money online with Adsense”. With keyord luv, your commentators are prompted to enter their name as Kat@ Blogging tips for Webmasters. The plugin separates the name from the keywords. So your name will look like Kat from Blogging Tips for Webmasters. Pretty nifty!

And then, to add the icing to the cake, to make Comment Luv and Keyword Luv truly show Luv to your commentators, make your blog no follow free with theNo Follow Free Plugin. By default, most WordPress blogs will add the no follow tag to commentator’s links. No follow free removes those tags, and lets some link juice flow through to your commentators.

Now do know, that when you add these three WordPress plugins to your blog, you will get a certain number of spammers just wanting the free links. You will need to actively moderate your comments and delete the ones that do not add value to your blog. I know that some people may be coming to my blog and commenting just for the do follow link, but I expect them to give me something of value in return, in a well thought out comment that encourages discussion.

To see how all the plug ins work, leave a comment on any post. But make sure it is a good comment, or it will be deleted!

3 Basic Elements of a Successful Website

By Kabir Bedi

Website development is a complex procedure. It is an amalgam of several small processes in coordination with one another that makes up the larger picture. There are millions of websites on the World Wide Web. However, some are more successful than the others and some lag behind likewise. Though the basic steps of website development are the same, what makes the difference is the importance placed on key features.

Here are 3 building blocks or a successful website.

1. Clean and Strong Coding
HTML is the foundation of the web. And following closely is the CSS markup. Both the elements form the basic coding of the website and decide the functionality of the same. HTML and CSS markup form the basic structure of a website and their quality eventually determines the quality of the website.

It is very important to build a website with quality code structure and then repeat the debugging process frequently in order to ensure a strong website. By doing things right from the very beginning and base level, you can negate the possibility of problems later on.

Always validate your HTML and CSS. This ensures that the website performs well across all major browsers and operating systems. HTML validity ensures browser compatibility which further ensures maximum accessibility.

User-Friendly Interface
It is very easy to get carried away and incorporate complex functionalities in your website in order to show off your technological expertise. However, often it happens that the interface becomes so complex that users find it difficult to browse through and navigate easily.

Website interfaces should be kept as simple as can be. Complex features often tend to confuse the visitors and distract their attention. They only add up to the visual appearance and do absolutely nothing to enhance the functionality of the website. Fancy interfaces distract the purpose of the website. Therefore, it is best to build a simple and user-friendly website interface that serves to facilitate smooth performance of the website.

Elements and Features on the Website
The elements and features that you incorporate or include in your web pages can either promote website usability or act as a hindrance to website users. Features like Auto-Play Music should be completely avoided. If at all you need to incorporate music on your website, make sure you provide an option to your visitors to turn it off. Likewise, it is not a good idea to use extremely small font sizes no matter how good it looks. Small fonts decrease the readability of website contents and until users are able to read through the website, they cannot understand what you are trying to communicate.

Focus on creating a website that is clean, has a strong interface and can be easily understood. Instead of including cool features and jazzy site elements, build a website that would please your audiences and make them visit again and again.

Kabir Bedi is working as a senior web consultant at LeXolution IT Services, a professional web design firm India. The company provides a range of website design and development services in addition to a host of web site maintenance services such as Web site updates.

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3 Basic Elements of a Successful Website