What Are The Most Popular Niches Among Entrecard Users?

Apparently this question is very easy to answer. Anyone can go to Entrecard, click on “Browse” and verify the amount of blogs listed on each category. However, the definitive answer may be a bit less obvious than expected.

In absolute numbers, the “Personal Diary” category is the most popular one, containing more than a thousand listings. But if you do the math, you’ll notice that “Internet Marketing” has even more listings. It’s just that they are divided among other related categories, i. e., “Make Money Online,” “Blogging Resources,” “Marketing,” “Business” etc. Sum all their listings and you’ll get over 2,500 blogs as a result.

This was to be expected, after all. Internet marketers are ever looking for easier ways to play the traffic game. And we all agree that the Entrecard system is truly helpful when it comes to increasing pageviews (if said pageviews will lead to conversions or not, is another topic). So, if you’d like to network with other marketers, Entrecard could be a very good starting point.

Nonetheless, this article is mainly meant to draw your attention to the “hidden” niches inside Entrecard.

Let’s get back to the aforementioned personal diaries. Besides forming the largest list within the Entrecard directory, they are also present in many other categories — yes, including the marketing-related ones. For instance, take a look at the Lifestyle listings. Visit some blogs. Aren’t most of them personal diaries? Now repeat this little test with other categories, like “Pets,” “Art,” “Philosophy,” “Mixed Bag,” “Parenting & Family,” “Hobbies”… You’ll find many other personal blogs. Some of them are partially disguised as niche blogs, but several aren’t.

You may also notice that many of those personal blogs contain posts about pets and/or crafts. This only goes to show that such topics are much more popular among the Entrecard crowd than they appear to be at first sight. And to think that the Entrecard directory currently contains less than 200 entries in the Pets category… Talk about misleading data!

I would write about the conclusions that one could draw from the pieces of info above. But I’ll do something better: I’ll leave it to you. You tell me what you have concluded and how you could put your knowledge to good use. The comment form is open to you.

While I wait for your input on this subject, I’ll prepare more articles on Entrecard — and several of them will be directly or indirectly derived from what I’ve learned by studying the Entrecard directory. Click here to subscribe to our blog and you’ll be able to read the next posts as soon as they’re released.

4 Replies to “What Are The Most Popular Niches Among Entrecard Users?”

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